The 3 R's

In Ranui school, we respect ourselves, we respect others, and we respect property.

Saturday, 30 April 2016

The mini ICT and Library Suite in Kahu 2

Kahu 2 now has a mini ICT and Library suite! If you don't already know, Kahu 2 is now a Learning with Digital Technology (LwDT) classroom which means we will be learning using devices such as chrome books, iPads, Tv's and more! Isn't that exciting? Come and visit us and we will happily show you how LwDT makes our learning fun. 


  1. Brilliant news Kahu 2. I look forward to visiting you and you showing me all your learning ... Perhaps you can help me with my Digital Technology issues too along the way..
    keep up the great work Kahu 2 and Mr Aduna

  2. Wow, I can't wait to see how you use digital technology as a part of your learning.
